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Affiliated Leagues & Clubs

Men's Leagues


CASL - Connecticut Adult Soccer League

Area: Statewide. Age Group: Over-40. Schedule: April-December.

CSL - Connecticut Soccer League

Area: Statewide. Age Group: Open. Schedule: September-June with winter break.

FVASC - Farmington Valley Adult Soccer Club

Area: Farmington. Age Group: Over 30 & Over 40. Schedule: Separate spring and fall seasons.

NCMSC - New Canaan Men's Soccer Club

Area: New Canaan. Age Group: Open. Comments: This is an "in-house" club, principally for New Canaan residents.

SASL - Shoreline Adult Soccer League

Area: Statewide. Age Group: Over-30, Over-40 & Over-50. Schedule: April-November with summer break

SNEASL - Southern New England Adult Soccer League

Area: Hartford. Age Group: Over-40 & Over-50. Schedule: August-July with winter break.

WSL - World Soccer League

Area: Hartford. Age Group: Over-35 Schedule: June-September


Donovan Lofters

President, CASL

Jessica Testani

President, CSL

Mike Kouromihelakis

President, FVASC

Grant Harshbarger

President, NCSC

Andy Aldo

President, SASL

Joe Rich

Vice President, SNEASL

Jose Sandoval

President, WSL

Women's Leagues


ECWSC - Eastern Connecticut Women's Soccer Club

Area: Northeast. Age Group: Over-23. Schedule: Spring-Fall. Comments: Ellington-based league, for the recreational player

NWSL - Nutmeg Women's Soccer League

Area: Southern CT Age Group: Over 18 Comments: Varying levels of competition;

WHWSC - West Hartford Women's Soccer Club

Area: Hartford. Age Group: Over-23. Comments: Varying levels of competition


Jessica Urban-Jack

President, ECWSC

Sandra Hampson

Vice President, NWSL

Carolyn Young

President, WHWSC

Co-Ed Leagues


Stamford Co-Ed Soccer League

Area: Southwest. Age Group: Open. Schedule: Summer only. Comments: For both the competitive and recreational player. Based in the City of Stamford.


Sandra Hampson